The 28th International Conference
for Women in Business




About the Conference in general


Can I participate in only Part 1 (the online part) of the ICWB?


Yes, you may participate only in Part 1. Please select “Participating in Part 1 only” when you register. However, we encourage you to attend both Part 1 online and Part 2 at the venue to get the full experience.


Can I attend only Part 2 of the ICWB, which will be held at the Grand Nikko Tokyo Daiba?


No. Part 2 is only available to participants who attend Part 1. The program is designed to allow participants to experience the theme both online and at the venue, so please attend Part 2 after attending Part 1.


Can I participate from overseas?


Of course! First of all, Part 1 will be held online, so you can participate from anywhere in the world. Please not that for overseas participants, the registration fee can only be paid by credit card. In addition, we do not send gift boxes or other items to overseas participants. For this reason, discounted registration fees are offered to overseas participants regardless of when you register.
Although Part 2 will be held at the Grand Nikko Tokyo Daiba, we would love to have you come to Tokyo to join us!


Will interpretation be available?


Yes, simultaneous Japanese-English interpretation will be provided for both online and in the live venue sessions. However, Roundtable sand networking sessions will be divided into Japanese-only and English-only programs to enjoy live discussions, so interpreters will not be available. Please check the program to select the Roundtables you will attend as they will be interactive, including Q&A sessions from the participants.


Is it possible to watch the ICWB afterwards?


We do not offer archives for viewing, as we emphasize connecting with participants live. Please join us live.


Is it possible to join or leave while the ICWB is in session?


You are free to join or leave. However, the ICWB weaves together the various events of the day to tell one story. The satisfaction rate of participants throughout the day has been over 98% for the past 27 years so we encourage you to attend the entire day to reap the full benefits.


What is a Conference gift box?


the Conference box includes gifts from our partners who have sponsored this the ICWB, the program for the day, and other items. The gift box will be mailed to you no later than the day before Part 1 of the conference. Please make sure to enter an address where you can receive the gift box when you register. Please note that this gift box is not available for participants who reside outside of Japan.

About Part 1 (Online only)


What will the online conference be like?


You may participate from the comfort of your own home or any location via computer or smartphone through Zoom.
Please download Zoom in advance, which makes it easier for you to participate. Speakers from around the world will deliver their lectures and talk shows.
We also plan to provide networking opportunities for participants and gatherings for discussions on different themes. We plan to provide easy-to-understand instructions via e-mail in advance, so please feel free to participate.


Do I need to prepare in advance?


First of all, please make sure that you have a good internet connection. The WiFi environment at your home/location will affect your experience. If you share a connection with other residents, it may be difficult to receive images at times. You do not need any special environment. Please download Zoom and test it in advance.


What is Zoom?


Zoom is a company that provides a system for free online video conferencing, and anyone can use it with ease.
Click here for more details.


Can I participate outside of Zoom?


You can only join the ICWB through Zoom.

About Part 2 (held at the Grand Nikko Tokyo Daiba )


Is it possible to accommodate allergies?


We will serve a buffet this time, so please consult with the staff in charge of the buffet about your allergy.


Is seating fixed?


Seats for general participants are not fixed. The seats will be on a first come-first serve basis after the venue opens on the day of the Conference.

About the Program


What is the Matching Sponsor program?


The Matching Sponsor program supports high school and college students. The program was created to share experiences, emotions, encounters, and learning with the victims of the 3.11 disaster, in addition to funds and supplies. The program was structured in such a way that a participant would sponsor and pay for the participation of the other, a sponsee. At that time, the survivor who participated for free as a sponsee would meet the sponsor at the venue to express their gratitude, and receive support. Since then, the number of applications from survivors has decreased, and the program is now open to high school and college students from all over Japan. Of course, there are many junior high school, high school, and college students who voluntarily participate in the Conference by saving their allowance or raising money through crowdfunding, but the idea of the Matching Sponsor Program is to be paired with a working adult. Students who participate will write an essay and apply to be chosen by a thoughtful working adult who will become their sponsor.
For more information, please see this page.
We very much welcome your application, either as a sponsor or as a sponsee.


Will there be time for networking with other participants?


For Part 1 (online), we will have networking times utilizing the breakout function of Zoom. At the venue, we will have time for networking at the buffet reception, so make sure to get to know some other participants.

About registration/payment


By when should I register?


For Part 1 (online), you can apply until the last minute. However, we recommend early registration and payment since the participation fee will change depending on the timing after the registration begins. Part 2 is only available to those who register and plan to attend both Part 1 and Part 2, and registration will be accepted until Sunday, July 9 prior to the start of Part 1.


Is it possible to receive an official receipt?


Please register from the form below. Once we confirm your payment, we will send you a PDF file of an official receipt via e-mail.
*Receipt Request Form


Can I cancel or get a refund after I have paid the registration fee?


Unfortunately, we do not offer refunds for cancellations. If you are unable to participate after registration and payment, you may find someone to participate in your place. In that case, please let us know the name, e-mail, cellphone number, and photo of the substitute participant in advance.


Can I change my plan to include Part 2 of the conference after I have registered for Part 1 only?


We are not able to accept a change to add Part 2 after the registration has been completed. In that case, you will need to make a new registration for both Part 1 and Part 2.



Is it OK to conduct business at the conference?


The International Conference for Women in Business is a place to learn and improve together; meeting people and making new friends is an experience to treasure. We encourage everyone to take advantage of these encounters with each other, but only if the other person is also willing. Please do not engage in sales pitches, contact others if they say they do not want to be contacted, or send them materials. If you are offered sales, deals or information on services or products that you do not want, or if you are approached with unreasonable or distrustful offers, we ask that you clearly decline the offer. We’ve never had a problem in almost 30 years, but since the ICWB is open to everyone, the Conference secretariat cannot guarantee the credibility of all participants. Nor can we be held responsible for any problems between participants. Please exercise your own good judgement.


Program Part 1
Program Part 2