Experience diversity in action at one of Japan’s largest conferences;
the main conference in the morning last for four hours and is followed by roundtable discussions of various themes in the afternoon.
By the end of the networking party in the evening, the participants have spent 10 valuable hours at the Conference.

The eagerly awaited day had finally come. Many participants queued for almost two hours before the doors opened in hopes of getting front-row seats. They seized the first chance of the day to make new friends while they waited. The doors opened 15 minutes earlier than the scheduled 9 a.m. and reception proceeded smoothly with the face authentication system implemented for the first time this year.
As the venue filled, the participants exchanged business cards and introduced themselves and some posted photos on their social media accounts. Amidst those in suits and dresses, there were also junior high and high school students in school uniforms and people wearing kimonos, hijabs, and native costumes. A large group of reporters waited near the back of the venue for the kickoff. After the 800 participants?from age 14 to 80s, 90% female, 10% male?were seated, the 23rd International Conference for Women in Business opened at 10 a.m.

Opening ”Live Strong”
Kaori Sasaki
Founder & CEO, ewoman, Inc.
Founder & CEO, UNICUL International, Inc.
Founder & Chair, International Conference for Women in Business
Seiko Noda
Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications
Minister in charge of Women's Empowerment
Minister of State for Gender Equality
Minister of State for the Social Security and Tax Number System
Member of the House of Representatives
Liberal Democratic Party

Sarah L. Casanova
President and CEO, Representative Director
McDonald’s Company (Japan), Ltd.

Marin Minamiya
the youngest person to complete the "Explorer's Grand Slam"

Reiko Abe, Ph.D.
President Director, Oriental Consultants Global Pvt. Ltd.

Akira Matsumoto
Takashi Nagata
Deloitte Tohmatsu Group CEO
Certified Public Accountant
Libby Lyons
Director, Workplace Gender Equality Agency
Makiko Eda
Chief Representative Officer, World Economic Forum Japan
Member of Executive Committee, World Economic Forum

H.E. Ms. Rabab Fatima
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Embassy of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
H.E. Ms. Simona Leskovar
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia
H.E. Mrs. Ndiyoi Muliwana Mutiti
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Embassy of the Republic of Zambia
Sayuri Daimon
Executive Operating Officer
Managing Editor
The Japan Times

Haruno Yoshida
President & Representative Director BT Japan Corporation
Vice Chair of the Board of Councillors, Keidanren (Japan Business Federation)
Member for Regulation Reforming Council
Susana Balbo
Founder, Susana Balbo Wines
Chair, W20 Argentina
Eriko Asai
President and CEO, GE Japan
Minori Takao
NHK World News Anchor

東京でLive Strongを!
Yuriko Koike
Governor of Tokyo

Live Healthily, Live Joyfully !
Sachin N. Shah
Minori Takao
NHK World News Anchor

Masako Wakamiya
Director, the NPO Broadband School Association
Sakine Nishibayashi
Third-year student of Shinagawa Joshi Gakuin High School
High School Student Programmer
Ken Mogi
Neuroscientist, Writer, Broadcaster
83歳と17歳のプログラマーが壇上に! ファシリテートは脳科学者の茂木健一郎さんです。若宮正子さんはプログラミング言語がモチーフのTシャツ、西林咲音さんは

Inclusive Leadership
Libby Lyons
Director, Workplace Gender Equality Agency
Sonja Vodusek
General Manager, Representative Director of The Peninsula Tokyo
Makiko Eda
Chief Representative Officer, World Economic Forum Japan
Member of Executive Committee, World Economic Forum
Eriko Asai
President and CEO, GE Japan

What great tips will these current leaders share? While individual leadership styles vary, all great leaders have one thing in common; they adapt to the times. Managing multiple nationalities, genders and customs, as well as IT advances, today’s great leaders show “inclusiveness” in their leadership. This roundtable will share and discuss successful leadership tips and will find issues to address in the future.
Is Japan strong?
Susana Balbo
Founder, Susana Balbo Wines
Chair, W20 Argentina
Kyoko Hokugo
Director, the Gender Mainstreaming Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
Sayuri Daimon
Executive Operating Officer
Managing Editor
The Japan Times
Minori Takao
NHK World News Anchor

Today's session, facilitated by Minori Takao, NHK World News Anchor, was insightful with its dynamic conversation on Japan's strengths and weaknesses, and how Japan should proceed into the high-speed future. Ms. Balbo, a wine entrepreneur and the chair of W20 Argentina, took the floor first to say what makes Japan strong. She referenced both Japan's strengths and weaknesses, and discussed what opportunities, such as the W20, are available to facilitate an environment in which people can begin discussions that will lead to progress. She shared some concerning statistics around women's domestic violence and sexual harassment in Argentina, pressing the dire need for immediate change.
Tomoko Adachi, M.D.,Ph.D
Director, Aiiku Hospital, Aiiku Maternal and Child Health Center, Imperial Gift Foundation
Professor, School of Medicine, Tokyo Women’s Medical University
Professor, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokushima
Nozomi Yoshimoto
Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies in Japan
Operations Lead
Global Health Services - Japan
Masako Suzuki
Executive Vice President Benefit One Inc.
Yuka Shimada
HR & GA Director - Japan
Unilever Japan Holdings K.K

「皆さん、健康に興味ありますか? 首をぶんぶん振って反応していただけるとありがたいです」少し緊張気味で静かに座っていた参加者が、ユニリーバ・ジャパン・ホールディングス人事総務本部長の島田由香さんの言葉で大笑い。一気に賑やかな
Yuri Tazawa
President, Telework Management Inc.
President, Y’s Staff Corporation
Wakana Nukui
Blooming Life International Co., Ltd. CEO
NPO DREAM GIRLS Project Director
Aya Ito
Partner, Sustainability Promotion Dept.
Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd.
Executive Partner, SDGs・ESG Promotion Section
Incubation Dept., Gakken Innovation Co., Ltd.
Kaoru Fujii
Chief Editor, Public Relations Division, Administration Control Office, Recruit Career Co.,Ltd
Evangelist, Recruit Business Competence Institute, Recruit Co.,Ltd

Yuko Kawamoto
Professor, Waseda Graduate School of Business and Finance
Member of the Board of Directors, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.
Trustee Director, THOMSON REUTERS
Member, National Public Safety Commission
Sawako Nohara
IPSe Marketing, Inc. President and CEO
Sompo Holdings, Inc. Outside Director
JAPAN POST BANK Co., Ltd. Outside Director
TOKYO GAS Co., Ltd. Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member
Nissha Co., Ltd. Independent Outside Director of the Board
Kaori Sasaki
Founder & CEO, ewoman, Inc.
Founder & CEO, UNICUL International, Inc.
Founder & Chair, International Conference for Women in Business

A Vision : 2020 and Beyond
Susana Balbo
Founder, Susana Balbo Wines
Chair, W20 Argentina
Rui Matsukawa
Member of the House of Councilors
Liberal Democratic Party
Marin Minamiya
the youngest person to complete the "Explorer's Grand Slam"
Lori Henderson MBE
Executive Director
British Chamber of Commerce in Japan

This roundtable will address future possibilities for work and life in 2020 and beyond. Building on the legacy of the past and weaving in aspirations for the future, Society 5.0 will be the fifth big step in the evolution of human society. Topics include diversity and inclusion, how we work and live, and societal innovation, as well as how we can learn and use AI for the betterment of our lives.
Multinational Management: Working abroad. Working with other cultures.
Reiko Abe, Ph.D.
President Director, Oriental Consultants Global Pvt. Ltd.
Yosuke Yagi
Representative Director - People first Ltd.
Director, Member of Board - ICMG Co., Ltd.
Chairman and Representative Director - - IWNC Co., Ltd.
Sonja Vodusek
General Manager, Representative Director of The Peninsula Tokyo
Miwa Kato
Director for Global Operations, UNODC

What tips and teachings do you need to be a successful global worker? What tips will help an organization to manage diverse ethnicities? The panelists will offer management skills, work processes, evaluation tips, and basic ground rules as they share and discuss their actual experiences.
Masato Arisawa
Managing Executive Officer
Chief Human Resource Officer (CHO)
Chiharu Takakura
Corporate Fellow, General Manager, Global Human Resources Dept.
Ajinomoto Co., INC.
Yoko Takeda
Chief Economist
General Manager, Research Center for Policy and Economy, Mitsubishi Research Institute
Kaori Sasaki
Founder & CEO, ewoman, Inc.
Founder & CEO, UNICUL International, Inc.
Founder & Chair, International Conference for Women in Business

Yuri Okina
Chairperson of the Institute,
The Japan Research Omstotute,Ltd.
Kazuhisa Shibayama
Founder & CEO, WealthNavi Inc.
Toshio Taki
Board Director, Head of Fintech Institute / Money Forward, Inc.
Asako Aoyama
Executive Officer, Transformation Project Leader
Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Inc.

Hideko Shintani
Chief Healthcare Officer (CHO)
Human Resources and General Affairs Group, Calbee, Inc.
Yoshimi Kobe
Chief of a Section
Rental Housing Construction Division
Daiwa House Industry Co., Ltd.
Aya Ito
Partner, Sustainability Promotion Dept.
Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd.
Executive Partner, SDGs・ESG Promotion Section
Incubation Dept., Gakken Innovation Co., Ltd.

女性管理職は昨年も議論した定番テーマの一つ。今回の「やっぱり管理職を目指そう!」、この「やっぱりという4文字に色々と重いものがあり、想いが込められている」というファシリテーターの伊藤 綾さん。開口一番、「今日は本音で行き
