Masako Wakamiya
IT evangelist
Masako Wakamiya, born in 1935, retired from Mitsubishi Bank (now Mitsubishi UFJ Bank) where she had worked since graduating from high school. She taught herself to use computers at the age of 58. In 2017, she released the game app "hinadan" and was invited to WWDC by the CEO of Apple Inc. in the U.S. to talk about her work on hinadan.
Ms. Wakamiya spoke at a United Nations Commission for Social Development event in 2018, at a United Nations Population Fund event in 2020, and was in a talk show with Audrey Tang, Political Commissioner for Digital Affairs (Minister of IT), Taiwanese government, in 2021.
She is the author of "Be Different from Yesterday" and other books and is the founder of Excel Art.
-Director of Mellow Club, a general incorporated association
-Teacher at Nichu Elementary School (Nichu Gakuen)
-Director of NEXT VISION, a public interest incorporated association
-Member of the Digital Rural City National Concept Realization Conference hosted by Prime Minister Kishida
-Member of the Digital Society Concept Council of the Digital Agency
-Member of Advisory Board for Digital Utilization Support, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications