
a lecture
Waichi Sekiguchi
President, MM Research Institute, Ltd.
Former Editorial Writer, Nikkei Inc.
Mr. Waichi Sekiguchi graduated Hitotsubashi University majoring in law and joined Nikkei in 1982. He was a Fulbright fellow at the Center for International Affairs, Harvard University in 1988-89. Having served as chief writer for Nikkei’s English edition, correspondent in the Washington bureau, and chief writer for electronics in the business news division, Mr. Sekiguchi went on to cover the information and communication technology (ICT) sector as an editorial writer for 24 years from 1996. He also contributed to the Nikkei editorial page for 15 years since 2000. In 2019 he was appointed as president of MM Research Institute, Ltd., an ICT research and consulting firm. Since 2008, Mr. Sekiguchi has been a visiting professor at GLOCOM at the International University of Japan while serving as an English news commentator for NHK World TV and visiting professor at the University of Tokyo and Hosei University Business School. Since 1998 he has been responsible for planning Nikkei’s Global Digital Summit for 25 years. Currently he serves as chairman of the assessment committee of JPCERT/CC, chairman of the CEATEC AWARD judges, and executive board member of Fulbright Alumni Association of Japan. He wrote many books including “NTT Global Strategy for 2030” “Pioneers of Japanese PC Industry” and “Savvy Search Technique” (all published by Nikkei).