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Sayuri Daimon

Visiting Professor at Showa Women's University
Former Executive Officer and Editorial Director of The Japan Times


Sayuri Daimon graduated from Sophia University, Faculty of Foreign Studies. She joined The Japan Times in 1991 as a politics and economics reporter, was named head of the news department in 2006, and executive officer and the first female editorial director in 2013. She became an independent editorial writer in 2020 and is involved in editing Business Insider Japan, the US publication’s Japanese version, and JStories, a bilingual Japanese-English media covering SDGs. She is a visiting professor at Showa Women's University and a part-time lecturer at Tokyo Woman's Christian University. Ms, Daimon is a regular commentator on NTV's DayDay Monday and on NHK Radio’s"News ni Manabu Gendai Eigo" (Contemporary English in News). She is a trustee of the Foreign Press Center, a 2000 Nieman Fellow at Harvard University, and won Forbes Japan's Japan Women Award for Innovative Leadership. She is the author of "The Japan Times News Desk's Information Power for Women Living in a Global Society" (The Japan Times) and "Global Strategies Discussed at Harvard University" (Kobunsha), and "Daimon Sayuri's Reading the World and Japan from the Media," for President Woman Online.