Participants' Profile of 24th International Conference for Women in Business.

Satisfaction level of participants of The 24th International Conference for Women in Business

Satisfied 97%


Average Age 41years old 


Female88% Male11%


Office worker 78%  Company proprietor 9%

How many employees does your company have?

More than 5000 people, 40%

Are you in a managerial position?

Yes, 50%  No, 50%.

How many employees are you responsible for?

5 Less than 22%

Annual Income

Average Annual Income:¥ 820 million

Career Plan

I want to advance my career within my current company/organization.71%


Hokkaido・Tohoku Area 1%, Kanto Area 71%, Chubu Area 9%,Kansai Area 13%,
Chugoku・Shikoku Area 3%, Kyushu・Okinawa Area 3%
People are participating from all over the Japan and overseas.


Japan / Canada / Cambodia / Australia / United States of America / Australia / Brunei / The Republic of El Salvador /
Jamaica / The Republic of Mali / The Kingdom of Tonga / Uganda / Singapore / France / Holland / The United Kingdom / Germany / New Zealand / Philippines / Mexico / Korea / Taiwan / China