Participants' Profile of 20th International Conference for Women in Business.

Satisfaction level of participants of the 20th International Conference for Women in Business

Satisfied 99.2%


Average Age  42.6  years old 


Female90.1% Male9.7%


Office worker 65.3%  Company proprietor  10.4%  An official servant  5.7%  Others  3.0%  Free lance (personal proprietor) 2.9% private practice  2.7%  A teacher  2.7%  Group staff  2.5%  A doctor  1.1%  A lawyer  1.0%  Contract and part time nonregular employee staff  0.8%  A proprietor  The* part-time which isn't doing a student (except for high school), a housewife, a domestic helper and work 0.6 %/1.4 % of side work.

How many employees does your company have?

More than 1000 people, 57.1% Less than 10 people, 9.7% 10-49 people  7.5% 50-99 people  5.3% 100 people-499 people  12.8% 500-999 people  7.7%

Are you in a managerial position?

Yes, 48.7%  No, 51.3%.

How many employees are you responsible for?

Less than 5 people, 43.5% More than 5 people, less than 10 people, 20.6% More than 10 people, less than 50 people, 23.2% More than 50 people, 12.6%

Annual Income

Average Annual Income:¥ 798 million

Career Plan

I want to advance my career within my current company/organization.69.6% I am planning to start my own business. 5.1% I am planning to become a freelancer. 6.4% I am planning to change my workplace. 12.9% I don’t have any particular plan for my career development.6.1%


Hokkaido・Tohoku Area 2.0%, Kanto Area 77.4%, Cyubu Area 7.4%,Kansai Area 9.0%,
Cyugoku・Shikoku Area 1.1%, Kyushu・Okinawa Area 3.1%
People are participating from all over the Japan and overseas.


Japan/China/United Kingdom/India/Uganda/Estonia/Australia/Canada/Tanzania/Germany/Turkey/Panama/Bangladesh/Philippines/
Finland/Brazil/France/Brunei/Macedonia republic/Mozambique/Laos/Lithuania/Liberia/South Africa/USA