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Shiho Konno

Auditor, Yahoo Japan Corporation
Visiting Associate Professor, Meiji University School of Law
Affiliate Researcher, Hokkaido University School of Law

Ms. Konno graduated from the Faculty of Law, the University of Tokyo. She was registered as a lawyer in 1991. In 1996, she established her own practice, the Yaesu Law Office. Between 1997 and 2000, Ms. Konno was employed at the Supreme Court Legal Training and Research Institute, becoming its first female assistant instructor. She deals with numerous branches of the law, including Internet and copyright law, and has worked on numerous divorce cases. She has co-authored "Netto Kokuhatsu" [Internet Accusations] (Mainichi Communications Inc.) and "Intanetto horitsu sodan" [Legal Consultation on the Internet] (ASCII Publishing). She appears regularly on TV and has written articles for the Nihon Keizai Shimbun as well as various other newspapers and magazines. She also gives numerous lectures at various organizations. In addition to her work as a lawyer, she also teaches at law schools. Ms. Konno became an outside auditor for Yahoo Japan Corporation in June 2005. In July this year, she will be appointed a member of the National Police Agency General Security Countermeasures Committee.