The 20th International Conference for Women in Business is just around the corner.
When I launched the Conference 20 years ago, men still dominated the workplace.
We've made great strides and now, with Prime Minister Abe's leadership,
Japan is accelerating its efforts on diversity.Our theme this year is “Make History”.
It is a 10-hour, knowledge-packed, exciting, passionate conference where you will meet great leaders.Ambitious women and men are welcome from all over the world.
Join us as we celebrate our 20th anniversary on Sunday, July 26th. Let's make history together!
Kaori Sasaki, Chair
Keiko Ihara
International race car driver, Guest Associate Professor of Keio University Graduate School of Media Design, Asian representative for the Federation Internationale de l'Automobile
Takeshi Kunibe
President and Chief Executive Officer, SMBC
Director, Member of the Board of Directors, SMFG
Mitsuru Claire Chino
Executive Officer,
General Counsel
Attorney-at-Law (California),
ITOCHU Corporation
Izumi Kobayashi
Member of the Board of Directors, ANA Holdings Inc.
Director,Mitsui & Co. Ltd.
Director, Member of the Board, Suntory Holdings Ltd.
Hiroshi Ishii
Associate Director and Jerome B. Wiesner Professor of Media Arts and Sciences,
MIT Media Lab
Organizer:Committee for the International Conference for Women in Business