Shinjiro Koizumi
Minister of the Environment, Minister of State for Nuclear Emergency Preparedness
2004.3 Graduated from Kanto Gakuin University, College of Economics
2006.5 Graduated from Columbia University, Graduate School of Arts and Science (MA)
2006.6 Researcher at Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
2007.9 Secretary to former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi
2009.9 Elected to the House of Representatives (1st term)
2012.12 Elected to the House of Representatives (2nd term)
2013.9 Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Cabinet Office
2013.9 Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Reconstruction
2014.12 Elected to the House of Representatives (3rd term)
2015.10 Director, Agriculture and Forestry Division, LDP Policy Division
2016.8 Director, Agriculture and Forestry Division, LDP Policy Division
2017.8 Chief Deputy Secretary-General
2017.10 Elected to the House of Representatives (4th term)
2018.10 Director, Health, Labor and Welfare Division, LDP Policy Division
2019.9 Minister of the Environment, Minister of State for Nuclear Emergency Preparedness
2020.9 Reappointment: Minister of the Environment, Minister of State for Nuclear Emergency Preparedness
Archives Report
- The 20th International Conference for Women
- The 19th International Conference for Women
- The 18th International Conference for Women
- The 17th International Conference for Women
- The 16th International Conference for Women
- The 15th International Conference for Women
- The 14th International Conference for Women
- The 13th International Conference for Women
- The 12th International Conference for Women