Rie Hirakawa
Superintendent of Hiroshima Prefectural Board of Education
Born in Kyoto, Japan, Hirakawa graduated from Doshisha University in 1991 and joined Recruit Co., Ltd. After earning her MBA from the University of Southern California in 1998, she started up an overseas study agency for students in Japan. In 2010, she became the first principal of a public junior high school (Yokohama Municipal Ichigao Junior High School) appointed from the private sector. After being principal of Yokohama Municipal Nakagawa-Nishi Junior High School (2015) and a member of Central Council for Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), she became involved in the revisions of the New Course of Study. She assumed her present position in April 2018. She is a member of the Council for the Implementation of Education Rebuilding, Cabinet Secretariat. Authored How to Become a Creative Principal, Kyoiku Kaihatsu Kenkyusyo, and To Help Your Child to Become an 'Independent Adult," Sekaibunka Publishing Inc.
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- The 13th International Conference for Women
- The 12th International Conference for Women