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Makoto Tange

Communication Trainer
Representative, "Karurasha"

Mr. Tange started his career as an actor in 1978 while still a student at Waseda University. He has taken many acting roles in eastern and western classics, modern theatre based on folk performing arts, and improvisational works. He has been active on stage throughout Japan and overseas, especially in Asia. He started his career as a producer in 2001.
In addition to his modern theatre activities, Mr. Tange has worked with the Playback Theatre group since 2000. He graduated the School of Playback Theatre in 2007.
He conducts workshops in many cities based on modern theatre and the Playback Theatre method. He is also an instructor at ewoman's Omotesando College (university) and a moderator for the ewoman roundtable discussion forum.
Mr. Tange is a member of the International Theater Institute (I.T.I.) and the Transcultural Management Society.